Emotional Relief
Emotional Relief will bring a fresh cleaning feeling to your womb as it breaks down at a cellular level of Endometriosis tissue. Leaving your womb in a relaxed state.
- Relief of Cramps
- Increase Circulation to the Uterus
- Reduce Pelvic Adhesions
Milk Thistle
- Balance Hormones
Yarrow Root
- Reduce Heavy Bleeding,
- Eliminate Pelvic Congestion.
- Stimulate Menstrual Flow.
- Relief Painful Menstruation
- Blood Cleanser,
- Reduce Inflammation & Liver Cleanser
- Fights Cancer Cells
Dong Quai
- Pain Relief.
- Helps maintain a healthy environment in the uterus
- Balance Hormones & Healthy Estrogen Levels
- Metabolizing Excess Estrogen
(All Steams Show Results Over a Period of Time)