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Womb Awaken


We hear the expression “Self-Love” a lot nowadays.  However, do we really understand the meaning of these words?




Real Self Love, embodies the journey of the womb. The womb is the most

powerful sacred yet mystical organ in a woman’s body but more than

that, the womb holds an energetic force which flows

multi-dimensional. It’s through one’s ability to connect to the flow

of that energy that you’re able to connect to your womb.


To truly connect to your womb requires you to travel through the

depths of your soul to discover what’s hidden within those

multi-dimensional gateways. 


This course will assist you with discovering who you are in ways that will

give you the power to walk in your most genuine capacity. 


This Womb Journey will give you Self Love tools that will assist you with knocking down walls that you’ve created to protect yourself from those cruel and shameful mishaps of life that cause you to shut down or shut-in. Traveling through your womb will reveal the secrets you’ve hidden deep within your subconscious and allow your true potential to shine.


As you embark on this Healing Journey, you’ll travel through the womb of your mind & the womb of your heart where you’ll find yourself in a state of harmony. It’s here where harmony will embrace the balance that’s needed to connect the flow that allows you to operate multi-dimensional. 


So, Let’s Stop the Cycle of Defeat and Bondage that Holds Us Captive! Our DNA contains the blueprint to success. In order to tap into the direction of the energetic flow, divine healing must come through the womb. 


Who is this Class for?   All Women!!! 


  • Do you find it difficult to keep relationships

  • Are you stuck, not able to move forward

  • Are you Defensive

  • Are you a People Pleaser

  • Do you have Low Self Esteem

  • Have you experienced trauma

  • Do you know your purpose in life

  • Are you looking for a Sisterhood


This Womb Course has been proven to be the catalyst that Awakens you to your Most Inner Self!


Are you ready to meet Her


After the course you will be more:


  • Confident

  • Expressive

  • Motivated

  • Joyful

  • Appreciative

  • Grateful

  • Focused

  • Amongst Many Other Great Qualities That Awakens Your Power

Other Courses

Belly Bonding

Belly binding after a cesarean delivery can be a useful tool during the postpartum recovery period.

In contrast to a vaginal delivery, a C-section requires cutting through numerous layers of tissue and muscle.

Belly binding can help to ensure that your incision heals properly.

     • Promotes uterine contractions and postpartum pelvic recovery
     • Helps to reduce swelling & tighten overstretched muscles
     • Provides stability and comfort to the muscles, skin, and internal



Baby Wearing

Babywearing is a practice parents around the world have been performing for years.

Babywearing is a form of baby transport and a way that gives comfort. Baby-wearing is also known as

Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC).
KMC is defined as a POWERFUL method that promotes the health and well-being of infants born prematurely

as well as full-term. 
Baby-wearing can bring relief to both parents and caregivers. It can be a great means of bonding with your baby as well as freeing your hands to make it easy to get things done throughout your day. Other benefits to babywearing are:
soothing baby &
 nursing your baby.

Please email us at for more information

Pain Births

Power Into Purpose

This course was developed to remind you that you have a purpose

and that everything you’ve gone through in your life was to build you into the powerful woman that you are today.


As we uncover and face the traumas of our lives,

we will uncover the real reason we had to go through each phase of difficulty.


As a result of each phase of difficulty. Stagnant energy has developed within the body and has created blockages.  Stagnant energy shows up in the form of pain, PTSD, relationships, stress…


We’ll also gain an understanding of the largest nerve in the body, known as the Vagus Nerve,

and how we can heal ourselves by taking our power to develop true purpose.

Sign up for our ZOOM Link
for the "Pain Births Power Into Purpose" free course.

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